Full Moon Party - Group Reading
As part of this delicious event, Crystal will hold a 20 minute Group Astrology Session. She will take you on a journey into the stars for the next 6 months and forecast auspicious dates and times.
Sports and astrology have been around since for forever! Sport evolved from the ritual practice of wrestling and sprinting – survival skills that prepared men for war and hunting. Astrology (study of the stars) evolved from the need to create meaning out of it all – to make sense of our experience of life on Earth. As above, so below.
In those early times, being a successful warrior and hunter meant the difference between life and death. Sport became part of the everyday and astrology along with it. As the ancients looked up to the planets and stars in the night sky for guidance, it is easy to imagine how they first saw Mars as a rusty, red planet and likened it to the colour of blood – the life force – and worshipped it as the god of war, hunting and sport.
Wagering on the outcome of sporting events began around 3,000 years ago in Greece – about the same time that the astrological horoscope chart evolved. Then in the 17th and 18th centuries, sports astrology or “contest analysis” became hugely popular and widely practiced in Europe. By casting a chart for the time of the contest, the astrologer would analyse the position of the planets and stars to predict a winner.
In the 20th century, a French statistician and psychologist by the name of Michel Gauquelin, investigated whether it was possible to find a statistical basis for astrology. After looking at thousands of charts of prominent sports people, he came up with some significant results, most notably the “Mars Effect” – which purportedly showed that a statistically significant number of champions were born just as the planet Mars was rising (coming up over the eastern horizon) or culminating (at the highest point in the sky).
So now let’s take a closer look at Mars:
The planet Mars is the fourth rock from the Sun – a rusty, dusty world soon to be inhabited by Earthlings courtesy of entrepreneur Elon Musk. It is extremely hostile and rugged with massive winds and volcanoes and lots of chemical reactions!
In the pantheon of the gods, blood-thirsty Mars causes strife wherever he goes. He always spoiling for a fight. Talk about competitive! He contests everything and everyone, except the beautiful Venus. She is his perfect match because opposites attract. She can fight too - but that is a story for another time.
Mars rules the constellations of Aries and Scorpio. He is at home here and does what he pleases. Athletes and surgeons and soldiers are born when he is prominent. He rules metal and knives and sharp weapons. He severs and cuts things away. He rules the head and brain and blood – hot-headed in flaming Aries but cucumber cool in ruthless Scorpio. He rules the adrenal glands, sex and the orgasm. He screams. He shouts. His motto is “Me First”. “I Am”.
When Mars finds himself in the constellation of Capricorn the Goat (the domain of the taskmaster Saturn), he is exalted. He is an honoured guest and all his actions are supported by the environment. He is the master of strategy and timing. Time is on his side as he only need to wait until the right moment to strike. Calculating!
But in the constellations of Taurus and Libra (the domains of Venus) Mars is in detriment or exile. He is not comfortable here because his natural aggression is not supported by the gentle Venusian environment. He is forced to operate in a less direct manner. In Taurus he hangs in there, all muscle and stamina until his opponent tires out. Whereas in Libra he will prod and poke with passive-aggressive taunts until his opponent loses his temper - and the contest.
Finally, it is in the constellation of Cancer the Crab that Mars finds himself in his fall – which doesn’t sound good for either fighting or hunting! But even with the Crab he finds ways to win. Using his extreme sensitivity, he approaches his opponent from the side or behind, snatches his victims in a vice-like grip and hangs on!
So as his energy finds its place in the natural world, we see that Mars rules such things as the wolf and the horse, the crow and the hawk. His weather is hot and dry. He summons western winds and red clouds. Thunder and lightning. He is the first spark of life, the first breathe we take. Our drive to survive.
So where is your Mars and what kind of sport are you?
In my next article I will be taking a look at all 12 signs that Mars can find himself in.
(c) crystalgaze2022
As part of this delicious event, Crystal will hold a 20 minute Group Astrology Session. She will take you on a journey into the stars for the next 6 months and forecast auspicious dates and times.